Hypnos was the Greek God of sleep and records of hypnotherapy have been found going back 3000 years. However, this long term practice has been very misrepresented by modern day entertainment and I’d love to tell you more about how it really works.
More on hypnosisThis is totally normal – anything that is ‘new’ will lead to a nervous sensation. However, many people confuse hypnotherapy with what they see on stage shows or TV. I will explain to you how hypnosis is just a state of relaxation, a way of calming the brain waves down from Beta state (high activity) to Theta (relaxed mode). This is something that happens naturally every day (when day dreaming your mind is accessing Theta brainwaves). The only difference is, I help you to learn to access those states consciously.
Only if you want to!
When in hypnosis you are still fully in control. You will choose what you tell me, I cannot ‘make you’ do anything. However, the therapeutic relationship is based on trust and confidentiality is implicit in everything we do. Many people have told me things they have never told anyone else, and by sharing these burdens, they feel like a ‘weight has lifted.’
I am here to help you unburden yourself and your secrets are totally safe with me.
Jenny . Southampton
Pete . Chelmsford
It starts with a conversation. You may have lots of questions about hypnotherapy so please allow me to answer them. Once you are well informed of what hypnosis is, you will be in a better position to decide if it is for you. Let’s talk.